翌年、その同じオーディションに晴れて挑むことができました。結果は合格!そのステージで演じた後、観に来ていた Central School of Balletの先生の目にとまったことから、そちらにてフルタイムで学ぶオファーをいただき、16歳で、プロになるためのダンスのトレーニングを始めて、あとは皆さんご存じのとおりです!
I can look back on my dance journey so far and identify a chain of events
and decisions that have led me to here to Noism dance company.
I remember at the age of 12 joining a breakdance and street dance class, at
a local studios near to where I lived in London. This was where my love for
dance started, even though I wasn’t very good! After watching popular dance
films at the time I wanted to learn to move in those ways! When I was 14 they
started a boys ballet at the studios, to try and encourage the dancers to
become more versatile and move in different ways. I decided to give it a go and
thus started my passion for classical dance. I was enjoying my dancing a lot
but was still not taking it too seriously. I was dancing alongside my other
hobbies, such as football, athletics and acting. But a year later, while
playing football I broke my collar bone, which meant that I missed an important
audition for a production called ‘London children’s ballet’. This was something
I was very much looking forward to and this is when I realised I had to make
the choice about what I wanted to do and to commit to one or the other, as the
demand from the body is very different, and of course I chose dance.
The next year I was able to attend the audition again, and was successful!
After taking part in this show, I was offered a full time place at central
school of ballet after a teacher from the school had come to watch, so at 16 I
began my professional dance training and then the rest is history!
Looking back on it now I can recognise that it took many sacrifices, and at
such a young age it took a lot to make some mature and difficult decisions,
spending much of my time dancing meant that I missed out on lots that you as a
young person would want to do, committing to dance is a lifelong decision, but
I wouldn’t change any of it.
As my big sister had trouble with her hip and was too much turned in, my
mom decided that doing ballet would improve her situation. This is how the rest
of the family soon followed and started this adventure. My mom also said that I
used to wear my sister’s skirt and dance upstairs and I do remember one of
those days so I guess it was somehwere in me !
I always felt and thought of myself as a dancer but I actually never
thought of becoming one. I wanted to be fireman and help people. My dance
teacher believed in me and he is the one who pushed and looked where I could go
and train professionally after graduating from school. I didn’t know much about
dance but the more I worked for it the more I wanted to succeed.