中等教育学校(secondary school)に通っていたときは、生徒たちのダンスグループに入り、よく校内でパフォーマンスをしたりしたものでした。放課後、独学でダンスを学んでいた私たちですが、相談に乗ってくれる助言者もいました。私たち4人のうち3人が後にプロのダンサーになりました。驚くべきことに、最初ただ情熱で動くだけだった私たちが、その情熱を持ち続けることで夢を叶えるに至った訳です。当時、私たちのうちの誰もプロになることなど考えてはいなかったと思います。私たちはそんな選択肢があることを知らなかったからです。
それでもBRIT Schoolに入るまではプロになろうなどと考えたことはありませんでした。このスクールはロンドンにある無償のパフォーミングアーツの学校で、卒業生にはアデル(歌手:1988~)、エイミー・ワインハウス(シンガーソングライター:1983~2011)、ジェシー・J(シンガーソングライター:1988~)たちがいます。そこはまるで映画『フェーム』のようなところでした。
そしてなんとか同じロンドンにあるRambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Danceに入って、その後はご存知の通りです。
Stephen Quildan
My first memory of dancing was as a small child dancing to the music at during the end credits of films. It would always happen and people would be so surprised.
My mother then decided to enroll me in local street dance classes because even though I was dancing, I had no rhythm.
When I was in secondary school I joined a group of students who had their own dance group and we used to make performances for the school. We taught ourselves after school and had a mentor who guided us. Out of the 4 of us, 3 became professional dancers. For me what is amazing is seeing that we were simply passionate first and that allowed us to achieve dreams. I do not think any of us were thinking about being professionals at the time, we did not know that it was an option.
After that I began ballet, when was I 15 years old. This is very late to begin so I found it very difficult but I studied a lot and worked hard.
I did not really think about becoming professional until I first got into the BRIT School, which is a free performing arts school in London. Previous alumni included Adele, Amy Winehouse and Jessie J. It was almost like the film ‘Fame’.
After that I managed to get in to the Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance, also in London, and the rest is history as they say.
Since becoming a professional dance artist, I have had many incredible experiences. I am extremely grateful to all of my teachers and people that have believed in me along the way. I hope that by joining Noism1 I can learn a lot but also share with the audiences my passion for dance. I hope that they will respond well to my performances and get something from them.